Hi, welcome to My Sunday Snapshot 13! It was a beautiful day. During my lunch break I took a stroll outside. I had seen the cows lined up at the fence row, grabbed an apple to see if I could get one to take it from my hand.
As I got closer to them, the cows backed away from the fence. Do you recognize the brown/red cow? This is the one that first came up to me in the post Calves Part 2. Notice how much bigger he is?
He was interested. I just couldn’t get him to take it.
Have a wonderful week!
Take Care. Best wishes, Debra
Pictures can produce so many different emotions and feelings. As they say, a picture is worth a thousand words! Share your fun and interesting image from the past week.
Erika had called and asked to meet for breakfast last weekend. We are always pleased to met with them! Once finished the grand girls wanted to come out to the farm and see the baby calves.
Briella wanted to get out of the truck. She thought she was a cow whisperer!
Peace be with you on this special day and always!
Happy Easter.
WW Update
Since Start Date; -27.4lbs
Take Care. Best wishes, Debra
Pictures can produce so many different emotions and feelings. As they say, a picture is worth a thousand words! Share your fun and interesting image from the past week.
A couple weeks ago I visited the calves for the first time since they were weened from their momma. They would not let me get close to them. This visit was much different. I had to be quiet and move slow. Just standing at the gate, I held out my hand. The little brown calve came right up to me and licked my hand!
Then this bigger calve (much bigger) gained interest. He was at the back of the group and made his way to the front. I was a bit frightened. These cows can get big. And these calves are fed well to gain weight.
Once I was able to calm my inner feelings, I held out my hand to the big guy. Slowly he approached.
Have a wonderful week!
Take Care. Best wishes, Debra
Pictures can produce so many different emotions and feelings. As they say, a picture is worth a thousand words! Share your fun and interesting image from the past week.
Hi, have you ever had a day where you just feel real good? Today was such a day for me. Nothing spectacular happened, just several nice things. First was my Weight Watchers meeting. I am truly enjoying this more with each passing week. Meeting new people. Now that I am working from home, I miss the socialization I once had. WW has given me a much needed outlet.
My blog has also been a blessing. While creating mine, I have found new blogging friends. One such friend is Dee with GrammysGrid.com. I say she is a friend because she has been a tremendous resource. She just makes me feel good by making me feel important, always answering any questions I may have about my website, software and such. Not to mention her prompt replies to the comments I add to her posts, that in itself makes me feel important.
As I have mentioned in prior posts, I had taken many senior portraits, family session, engagement pictures and weddings for 20 some years. I have since slowed down, only doing an occasional shoot here and there. This weekend was one of those here and there’s.
What lead up to this weekend was when I was on Facebook and saw a high school friend had just gotten engaged to another high school friend (Cris and Todd). Well, one of my 101 in 1001 goals (#99) is to be a wedding crasher. No bashfulness, I asked them when and where they were getting married. Does inviting yourself count as a wedding crasher? 🙂 I was flattered when they asked me if I would take their wedding pictures. Of course I said yes! We took a few engagement pictures this weekend.
Then I met my son, we filled his medicine pillbox, had lunch and then did grocery shopping. Our usual Saturday stuff. Always have a nice time with him. Then I drove home. As I was getting close to home, I had to pull the car over and take this picture.
“Home is not a place….it’s a feeling.”
Standing on the gravel road, looking at my husband’s and my home, I felt good. Still do when I look at this picture. My whole day was a feel good day. Driving down the road and seeing this, just made my day even better.
I have so much to be grateful for, and by the Grace of God, I can enjoy this for many more years with my husband. Amen!
Hi, they say April showers bring May flowers. Right now I need weed control! Kevin uses Roundup. But with all of his chores, he doesn’t spray as much as I would like. It was Easter weekend, my dad was telling us of the homemade weed killer he tried and said worked. So this is what I am going to try in a selected area of our driveway. Our driveway is gravel and all those pesky weeds are growing up between the rocks.
The Recipe: White Vinegar 1 gallon Table Salt 2 Cups Dishwashing Liquid A good squirt. Hot Water I used half a gallon to dissolve the salt before mixing with vinegar. Sprayer I bought a 1 1/2 gallon sprayer.
It is not recommended spraying this homemade weed killer on concrete (sidewalk or driveway) or where you do want plants to grow (in your garden).
As you see, I will need to give it one more application.
Have you tried this homemade weed killer recipe? How did it work for you?