Party Etiquette

party etiquette

Party Etiquette

Hi, welcome to the topic of Party Etiquette. I was thinking about parties with May having so many graduations. Summer holidays just around the corner. And of course, June is the month for weddings. For the online social bloggers, we have linkup parties! 🙂

Have you ever wondered how to behave? What you should or should not say? Below are party tips to make you the best guest, one who is always welcome to social gatherings.

RSVP let the host if you will be attending or not.

Be On Time or 10 to 15 minutes after the start time. The host will most likely be doing last minute decorating.

Mingle visit everyone do not dominate a select few.

Be Present Keep the cell phone tucked away.

Engage actively take part in conversations. Look people in the eye when you speak with them.

Enjoy Yourself smile, do not stand in a corner.

Exit Graciously notice when guests begin to leave. The host provided an invite with start and end times. Be courteous and not overstay the welcome.

Say Thanks the host took the time to plan a get together. Let the host know that you enjoyed the party and thank them for inviting you.

In conclusion, etiquette is common sense.

Take Care. Best wishes, Debra


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